EIT Food
Government Executive Academy

an executive-level advisory and capability-building program

for public sector representatives

that offers insights into challenges related to food system innovations and regulations

How to apply

We aim at outstanding public sector representatives (including regional and central government officials as well as professionals working in state agencies, regulatory bodies, public universities or public research institutes) from countries of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS):

  • Be involved in the design, implementation and/or monitoring of Research & Innovation Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) related to the agri-food industry, agri-food program developed in his or her country/region, or in defining regulatory policies related to agri-food industry in her or his country

  • Have relevant knowledge and experience in public policy development on a regional or national level

  • Have an entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving and willingness to share her or his knowledge with other participants of the EIT Food GEA

  • Bring diversity. We strongly encourage applications from various geographical regions, submitted by specialists in multiple fields, and women.

All workshops will be held in English and therefore, at least working knowledge of this language is required.

Please apply via EIT Food Application Portal

To apply to the EIT Food GEA, please visit the EIT Food Application Portal, set up an account and fill in the application form.

Step 1. Become an applicant

Step 2. Fill in the EIT Food GEA application

You can interrupt the registration process make breaks and come back to your application at a later time.

Remember to read TERMS & CONDITIONS before applying to the Academy.

The Application Form requires confirmation of reading and acceptance.

The application process in 2022 Edition is: closed